OmniAccess Stellar Access Point 1521
Answer connectivity demands with an indoor, 中程Wi-Fi 7接入点提供无与伦比的性能.
下一代Wi-Fi技术确保无与伦比的体验质量, offering robustness, exceptionally high throughput, and lower latency, perfectly suited for modern enterprise users, IoT and cutting-edge AI powered applications.
The Alcatel-LucentOmniAccess Stellar AP1521, a mid-range Wi-Fi 7 access point, 旨在应对随着物联网设备和前沿移动技术数量增加而带来的连接挑战. With never seen scalability options, AP1521在新的Wi-Fi 7标准802上全面提高了性能.11be:更高的数据吞吐量,改进的功率传输和降低延迟.
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Points Forts
- Powered with tri radios 2.4Ghz/5Ghz/6Ghz频段服务于非常密集和高容量的下一代移动和物联网支持网络需求.
- 接入点提供1 × 10GE上行链路+ 1 × 1GE上行链路/下行链路. 10GE端口提供以太网供电(POE)输入.
- 接入点最多支持12个通道。.2Gbps.
- 接入点提供1 × 10GE上行链路+ 1 × 1GE上行链路/下行链路. 5GE端口提供以太网供电(POE)输入.
- It can be deployed in three different modes, 所有通过一个软件版本简化IT操作.
- 集成蓝牙/Zigbee无线电使其成为广泛的物联网端点和应用的理想选择,如位置分析和建筑自动化。.
- The access point supports 802.11be features, which include Multi-Link Operation (MLO), MU-MIMO, Wider Channel Bandwidth (320 MHz maximum) 4096-QAM, Multi Resource Unit (MRU), Preambule Puncturing, Restricted Target Wake Time (R-TWT).
- Provides enhanced security with WPA3.
- 云启用OmniVista Cirrus网络管理作为服务
- 能够在集群架构中操作,为多达255个apa提供简化的即插即用部署.
- Supports finely tuned, 服务质量(QoS)参数,以区分并为每个应用程序(如语音)提供适当的QoS, video, and desktop sharing.
- 无线电动态调整(RDA)技术自动分配信道(DFS)和电源设置(TPC),并确保接入点保持远离所有射频干扰(RFI)源,以提供可靠性。, high-performance WLAN.
ALE présente OmniAccess Stellar Wi-Fi 71/100:02:14
Documents Associés
OmniAccess Stellar At-a-Glance Guide Brochure
OmniAccess Stellar WLAN组合提供了完整的接入点,包括最新的Wi-Fi 6技术。.
Produits Associés