Top 5 Trends in Data Networking and Security in 2024

Damien Delard
11월 09, 2023


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In an ever-evolving digital landscape, 2023年将成为数据网络和安全的关键一年. 随着技术进步的加速,企业面临的挑战和威胁也在不断增加. 对强大、创新解决方案的需求从未像现在这样强烈. 

Industries worldwide are harnessing new strategies, adapting to disruptive technologies, and placing a premium on safeguarding their digital assets. 这种势头催生了塑造网络和安全未来的关键趋势.


1. Network automation and AIOps

利用人工智能的力量,网络自动化和AIOps正在为IT火狐体育手机树立新的标准. 这种变革性的方法不仅简化了网络管理,而且还预测了潜在的中断. The key benefits include:

• Efficient, AI-driven network management: 利用人工智能进行网络管理,加快运营速度, ensuring optimal performance. AI can adapt to network      conditions, making real-time decisions and optimising resources, thus reducing downtime and streamlining processes.

• Proactive disruption prediction and prevention: Rather than merely reacting to disruptions, advanced systems can now forecast potential issues, allowing teams to act before problems escalate. This foresight reduces operational hiccups, 确保服务更顺畅,提高用户满意度.

• Minimisation of manual tasks for increased efficiency: 自动化日常流程不仅可以减少人为错误,还可以将员工从日常任务中解放出来. 这种向自动化的转变使员工能够专注于更具战略性的工作, value-added activities, boosting overall operational efficiency.

• Enhanced real-time monitoring for in-depth insights: 现代监控工具提供了对系统性能的细粒度洞察, 允许立即检测和纠正异常. This continuous oversight ensures system health, enhances security, and offers valuable data for informed decision-making.

2. Network and security convergence

网络与安全协议的融合产生了一种更加集成和强大的防御机制. This union:

•提供数据和基础设施保护的整体方法; 全面的战略可确保组织数字资产的各个方面都得到保护. From physical hardware to sensitive data, all elements are protected under a unified framework, minimising vulnerabilities and potential breaches.

• Tackles complex, modern threats head-on: As cyberthreats evolve, proactive measures are essential. By confronting these challenges directly, 组织可以在威胁升级之前预测并消除威胁, 确保对复杂的网络攻击和未经授权的入侵进行强有力的防御.

• Strengthens security policies and promotes team synergy: 增强的安全协议不仅可以加强防御,还可以促进团队成员之间的协作. By promoting a culture of shared responsibility and knowledge, teams can collectively address and mitigate risks, ensuring a cohesive and fortified defence strategy.

3. Multi-cloud networking


• Streamlining management of various cloud services:  高效的工具和集成平台可以实现跨多个云平台的无缝协调, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing complexity.

• Ensuring smooth data flow between different clouds: 先进的云集成确保不间断的数据同步, 促进跨不同云环境的内聚操作,减少数据孤岛.

• Boosting performance while reducing latency: 优化的网络配置和先进的技术有助于提高数据传输速度, leading to faster response times and improved user experience.

• Offering scalable, easily integrated solutions: 现代云平台提供了随用户需求增长的灵活性, 确保解决方案可以随着需求的发展而毫不费力地扩展或修改.

4. Adoption of Network as Service (NaaS)

NaaS的兴起展示了该火狐体育手机的前瞻性思维方法. Its adoption signifies:

•适应各种挑战的多功能网络解决方案: NaaS provides flexibility, meeting evolving business needs in real-time, enhancing operational adaptability.

• Reduced dependency on heavy hardware investments: NaaS minimises upfront costs, 允许企业在没有大量资本支出的情况下扩大规模, maximising financial efficiency.

•获得尖端网络技术,促进创新和成本效益; Leveraging the latest advancements, NaaS推动企业进入现代网络,同时优化预算分配.

5. Emphasis on IT Security

在当今的数字时代,IT安全的聚光灯比以往任何时候都更加明亮. Its importance is accentuated by:

•应对恶意软件和勒索软件等普遍威胁的需求: 网络攻击者越来越多地部署这些恶意软件类型, 危及数据完整性并要求支付赎金以释放数据.

•实施先进、主动的安全策略; Organisations are transitioning from reactive measures, 采用在威胁出现之前识别和减轻威胁的策略.

• Continuous monitoring to pre-empt potential breaches: By vigilantly scanning for anomalies in real-time, 企业可以识别漏洞,并在攻击者利用它们之前加以纠正.

•强调用户培训和定期安全更新,以增强保护; 教育用户了解最佳实践并定期更新系统,可确保加强对不断变化的网络威胁的防御.

Digital networking in 2024

In 2023, the digital landscape has reached a pivotal juncture, with data networking and security undergoing radical shifts. 

As the evolution of networks continues into 2024, watch for these 5 trends – network automation, network and security convergence, multi-cloud networking, NaaS and IT security – to dominate. 这再次证明了油气火狐体育手机致力于通过创新来应对威胁和挑战. 

Damien Delard

Damien Delard

VP APAC Channels and Head of Sales, South-East Asia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

As VP APAC Channels and Head of Sales for SEA & NEA, Damien Delard的使命是改变阿尔卡特朗讯企业与合作伙伴的合作方式,帮助企业规划数字化转型.

过去在ALE担任的职务包括SMB业务部门的全球主管, General Manager of the South-East Asia region, APAC VP Operations, North-East Asia Channel Management, 新加坡直销经理和区域网络设计顾问.  在加入ALE之前,他曾担任网络顾问和系统工程师.

Damien拥有加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)和新加坡国立大学(NUS)的工商管理硕士学位,以及里昂国家应用科学研究所(INSA Lyon)的电气工程硕士学位。, France.

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